Write a Kickass Author Bio

Some authors have more trouble writing their author bio than they do drafting their book. The author bio is an essential weapon to have in your writing arsenal. It’s a short overview about you, the author.
You need to include a short bio in your query letter when you submit to an agent and when your book is published. Even if you’re contracted to write an article for a magazine or an Internet website, chances are good the publication will ask for your author bio. Have it at the ready in case your book receives any awards too. Authors usually include an author bio on their website and social media pages as well.
An important component of the author bio is an author headshot photo. Have one handy to send with your bio.
Let’s get to the nitty-gritty!

The author bio is a professional, persuasive, and compelling sales pitch about you. Though it’s a personal account, it’s written in third person. This technique creates a ring of authenticity and a level of expertise.
Flip to the back cover of any book and you’ll see an author bio. Readers want to know a couple of personal tidbits about the author along with a few accolades.

It’s best to lead with an accomplishment or two in reference to your writing or books, if you’re published. For example, you might begin with book awards, starred reviews from major publications, or if you happen to be lucky enough to have a bestselling book, plant that info front and center.

If you’re not yet published, lead with other credentials such as, co-founding or leading a writing group, your social media pages and website to mentor aspiring authors, or any related career or degrees. Case in point, mention your master’s degree in English, Journalism, or Publishing.

If by chance you work in publishing, that’s a key piece of info to include. It gives credence to you as a newbie. Perhaps you pen children’s books and you’re an elementary school teacher or a children’s librarian. Bam! Call attention to that fact. This tells potential readers you have expertise in this arena. Sometimes it’s worth throwing in an odd, unrelated hat you’ve worn if it’s unique in some unexpected way. Are you a former MLB player with a soft spot for Mysteries and now you’ve authored one, or a Cardiac surgeon who has a penchant for writing Fantasy and that’s your new jam? Stir those surprising details into the pot.

There’s no need to throw down a lot of detail about your background. One or two lines in the middle or end of your bio will suffice. Add in where you grew up or what state you currently live in. Give your spouse, kids, and animals a shout-out. Compose a witty and interesting bio. If the sweetest dog in the world calls you mom, devise a clever sentence about your mush of a furbaby. Woof! Ahem, is you gangsta-cat proud to be your owner? Does your feline prance around your house like she owns it and allows you to live there? Concoct a humorous one-liner regarding your kitty, with their permission of course. Paws up. Meow!

Touch upon something, besides writing, that you’re passionate about. Use spirited language. Chocolate lover, coffee aficionado, exercise enthusiast, professional napper, haunter of the beach, sun, and fun. Do you search for buried treasure in your spare time or pilot private jets? Add it to the mix. You get the idea. Leave the boredom behind.

Are you an author with a pen name? You want readers to be able to find you and your books, so, incorporate it into your bio.

Most of all let your voice and writing style shine through. https://www.wordytips.com/post/drag-your-voice-into-the-light

Finish your bio with a call-to-action, something your readers need to do:
Select the call-to-action that works best for you
Keep in touch with: (author’s name) add your website, social media links
Connect with: (author’s name) add your author email address, author website
Check out: (author’s name) add your blog URL, and any of the above
Visit: (author’s name) add any of above
To learn more about: (author’s name) add any of above
For more info follow: (author’s name) add any of above
Join: (author’s name) email list and any of above
Check out these killer author bios, each one a bit different but each is spot-on in their own unique way:
