November Blessings

Today I am thankful for eyes that see the positive in this world, the sunshine, the kindness of others, the many paths laid out ahead that are chock-full of good intentions, scattered with hope, and layered with possibility. I choose not to delve into negative, toxic, or injurious situations happening around me, for the goodness and protection of my soul.
I am beholden to setbacks that taught me patience and perseverance, indebted to disappointments that instilled resilience, in awe of fear and anxiety that imparted courage and self-love, and I am aligned with hardships that imparted purpose. I embrace the passion that grew from those setbacks, disappointments, fears, anxieties, and hardships, a passion I longed for my entire life, writing and the opportunity to mentor others.

I look toward the light of future experiences and endeavors, eager to bathe in the radiance they provide. The past is viewed through a prism of wisdom where mistakes are lessons for growth instead of emotional life sentences, and forgiveness rests solely within me, for me. The here and now play out in real time and I vow to be present for each moment, good or bad. I reject harsh judgement toward myself, by myself, and end the negative dialogue attempting to rent space in my head. Understanding undulates in soft waves as a reminder to give myself permission to feel and learn but not to unpack and live in a hostile environment, rich with thoughts prompted by nefarious acts of others.
I move beyond turbulent seas to calmer waters and realize those interacting with me do so from their own perspective, their own reality. I recognize that they navigate with their own pain and struggles which have nothing to do with me and I am no longer troubled by the prospect. I release that angst, for none of it defines me.

I’m thankful for earthly souls, and angels from beyond who were and are unafraid to offer light and love to me in the face of rejection, the suffering of adversity, and the essence of darkness and sadness that sometimes infiltrates my sense of well-being. Those closest to me who have remained steadfast in friendship and love, harmony and peace, fidelity and faith, and who have bolstered my courage and confidence, I am forever grateful. To those kind souls I offer reciprocal devotion, and assurance I stand with them in their truth and efforts.
Keeping forward motion in the face of those who do not see my worth, or who wish to thwart me, through unkind words, ill intent, lies, and jealousy, I seek higher ground with serenity and integrity. I revel in the lessons, and prior positive interactions, and I am thankful for them. I hold fast to fond memories and wish my adversaries well. I strive not for perfection for I am a flawed human being, nor do I dwell in doldrums that serve no purpose except to rob me of peace. Instead, I remain ever mindful and take inspired action toward my continued evolution.

I am grateful for the ability to recover from past trauma and undo any damage, ancestral patterns, or cultural conditioning inflicted upon me. I close in on the virtuous progression of my soul, and head for transformation into the person I was born to be. In doing so, I return to my true self. I look within and reflect daily to improve myself, for myself. I realize that change is inevitable as are the seasons, the cycles of the moon, day turning into night and back again, autumn leaves that lose their green hues, converting to bold crimson and gold, drifting clouds that sweep across blue skies, and a thousand other affairs of nature destined to shift. Freedom comes from the knowledge that nothing need be stagnant. A different path, or better road, is always attainable. There exists in life as many possibilities as there are grains of sand or particles of salt in the ocean. It’s up to each of us to choose the best direction for ourselves.
I’m thankful for new dawns that signify new beginnings and nightly twilights that offer moments of forgiveness and a chance to design a different outcome before the sun rises again. I navigate the inescapable storms that are a part of life and plot a course for correction. I celebrate my achievements and acknowledge my shortcomings. Every day is a gift and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity it brings. I strive to do everything in my power to stay positive, preserve hope, live in kindness, and touch the souls of others with the purest of intentions.
