Grammar Mistakes - Yikes - Part 1

Yo, aspiring authors, listen up! With years of education under our belts, writers still make grammatical mistakes from time to time. For reals. If this resonates with you keep reading, if not read anyway because you may not know you're making a mistake.
Some continue to step in it, repeating the same mistakes over and over like it was ingrained in their minds at some point, and they can’t shake it. Maybe they weren’t paying attention in class or maybe they’re writing so fast proper grammar falls by the wayside.
Sometimes what sounds fine in conversation or in your head, translates to gobbledygook when you write it down. The good news is grammar mistakes are easily fixed. Once you learn to spot some of these common mistakes, your writing will improve and you’ll self-correct or not make the error in the first place. Your story will thank you for removing these unsightly blemishes.
Pull on your big-girl pants and let’s get started with some of the most common spelling mix-ups and word confusion errors.

Aspiring authors, please, please, please, keep the above in mind as you write!
