All About the Blurbs – What Are They? How Do You Write Them? How Do Authors Ask for Them?

A blurb is a brief, persuasive, and promotional part of a book’s back cover that describes or summarizes the story. It may be written by the author or publisher and may also include quotes of praise from other authors or celebrities. The point is to make the reader want to read more and buy the book.
So, how does an author accomplish this?

Figure out what makes your book tick. Pick out a few salient and juicy pieces from your story and weave them into an enticing premise that even the most jaded
readers will find irresistible.

Keep it easy-peasy. Write your description in simple, easy-to-read sentences that still convey the gist of your novel without convoluted meaning or inside-the-story lingo.

Keep it concise. Think of the blurb as a mini synopsis that packs a powerful punch. It must tell a short yet appetizing summary that leaves the reader begging for more. Break your novel down into easily digestible, but oh, so essential chunks. Dissect it further until you have a clever representation of your story that includes the most appealing key elements.

Drop in hints about a particularly delicious twist without giving away the whole shebang. Draw the reader in like a spider spinning an intriguing web to lure the fly.

One of my favorite series, The Twilight Saga, by Stephanie Meyer contains a blurb from book one, Twilight, that I think is not only fantastic but exactly sums up the above points.
About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him—and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be—that thirsted for my blood.
Third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
If this type of blurb doesn’t sell a book, I don’t know what will. It’s brief with three targeted comments, two of them astonishing. It’s easy to read, no fancy-pants words. It drops a hint about Edward and how unsure (Bella) the protagonist is about what he’s capable of. And finally, this blurb is the epitome of what makes the book tick. It lures the reader into a seductive, paranormal, romance. (Photo - Via Amazon)

If you’re a debut author, who is about to be traditionally published, your agent or publisher might point you in the direction of potential authors they think may oblige and write you a nice blurb. If not, you’re on your own. You’ll be in the same spot if you plan to self-publish.

You personally know
You admire
In your genre
Whose writing style connects with yours

They might have a few leads for you
Someone on the board may consent to write a blurb
Someone may consent to write a blurb on behalf of the organization

Author group
Writing group
Writing forum

If you’ve authored a children’s book, an elementary school teacher or children’s librarian might agree to write a blurb
An English professor may assent to a blurb especially if they’re fond of you or your genre
A crime reporter or journalist may be eager to endorse your crime novel or thriller

A formal greeting that introduces you, your book, and your purpose
A less formal greeting is fine if you know them personally
Why you chose them
How honored you would be if they consent
Your publisher and impending date of publication
Your self-publishing release date
Approximate turnaround time for their return email with your blurb
An offer to send them a free copy of your book once it’s published

Some will be honored
Some may not have time
Some may not respond
Move onto the next, there are plenty of fish in the sea of authors and writers!
