3:00 AM Brain Buzz . . . Who’s With Me?

Wow, so tired. My eyes feel like they've got sandpaper scraping against them every time I blink. My pillow and the latest novel I'm devouring are both calling me. Off to bed I go to catch some much-needed REM sleep. It's easy to fall off as I take the characters from my Nook to dreamland.
What the hell? Like clockwork I'm up in the middle of the night with tons of thoughts and ideas about story lines and characters whose conversations are buzzing in my brain, demanding my attention. New titles for novels flit past the inside of my head like the news crawl at the bottom of the TV screen. Sentences form so easily it's beyond amazing.

I grab the pad & pen on the bedside table and scribble my thoughts hoping I'll be able to decipher my atrocious handwriting in the morning. I know a comedian who talks into his phone whenever ideas surface. Either way, get your words out because you'll lose them by morning.
Middle of the night brain buzz sometimes makes for the best writing!
